Join the Society

You can join the Ivor Gurney Society either by e mailing the membership secretary at membership -at- ivorgurney -dot- co -dot- uk or online, safely and securely, through PayPal (see below)

Annual rates
MembershipRate (UK) (GBP)Rate (Outside UK) (GBP)
Individual Membership£14.00£25.00
Joint Membership£18.00£30.00
Student Membership£5.00£15.00
Retired Membership (single)£10.00£15.00
Retired Membership (joint)£12.50£18.00
Institutional / Library Membership£12.50£20.00

Within the UK:

Consent:  I consent to my data being recorded (please tick)

International membership:
Consent:  I consent to my data being recorded (please tick)

For information
Please see our Privacy Policy