
2009As well as the Society newsletter, which we aim to issue to society members bi-annually, the Gurney Society publishes an annual journal, affectionately known as ‘The Gurnal’, which contains scholarly articles on Gurney’s work and closely related items, and book and CD reviews. This is sent to all Society members as part of their subscription, but Gurnals can also be purchased by non-members. If you want a volume by volume list of contents, visit the Society Shop

We also publish other occasional items:

TABTowards a Bibliography: as near a complete Gurney bibliography as is possible, published in 1995, compiled and edited by R.K.R. Thornton and George Walter. This is available from the Society Shop also, but we are in the process of making the bibliography, incorporating any subsequent updates, available on this site. See Full bibliography.

cdA recording of readings by David Goodland of Gurney’s poetry, now remastered onto CD and available from the Society Shop.

I. Editorial


George Walter, vols. 1-6
R. K. R. Thornton, vols. 1-16
Lynn Parker, vols. 7-11

Volume 13 (2007), Ivor Gurney: Poet, Composer, was a special issue, guest-edited by Kate Kennedy and Trudi Tate, based on conference papers given at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, 8-9 September, 2007.

Reviews Editors:

Philippa Lyon, vol. 3
Essaka Joshua, vols. 4-6
Lynn Parker, vols. 7-11

Book Reviews Editor: James Bridges, vols. 12-16
Music Reviews Editor: Richard Carder 12-16.

II. Articles

(alphabetically by author)

James Allum: ‘Brightly Coloured and Exceptionally Cheap’: The Asylum in the Early 20th Century; 13 (2007), 147-158
Stephen Banfield: Gurney and Housman; 10 (2004), 33-48
Gurney the Musician; 13 (2007), 85-111
Location and Dislocation in Music of Ivor Gurney; 7 (2001), 33-42
Pamela Blevins: Annie Drummond’s Treasured Memory; 3 (1997), 37-42
Ivor Gurney, Wilfred Owen and T. Ratcliffe Barnett in Scotland; 4
(1998), 35-42
Ivor Gurney’s Friends: Ethel Voynich – ‘E.L.V.’ Revolutionary,
Novelist, Translator, Composer; 10 (2004), 13-30
Ivor Gurney’s Friends: Marion Scott’s American Heritage: The
Prince Family of Salem, Massachusetts; 11 (2005), 43-55
Ivor Gurney’s Illness: ‘The Tide of Darkness’; 13 (2007), 159-174.
Marion Scott – The Writer; 7 (2001), 43-52
Marion Scott and the Society of Women Musicians; 12 (2006), 115-128
Marion Scott Remembers the Crystal Palace: A Map of the World; 14
(2008), 21-30
Marion Scott: ‘In time to come’; 15 (2009), 45-58
New Perspectives on Ivor Gurney’s Mental Illness; 6 (2000), 29-58
Obituary: Don Brandon Ray, 1926-2005; 11 (2005), 57-9
One Last Chance: Dr Randolph Davis and Ivor Gurney; 9 (2003), 91-99
The Marginalization of Women in the First World War & a Book That Should Be Required Reading for Students of the War; 16 (2010), 39-52
Women, War and Words; 8 (2002), 45-58
Margi Blunden: The Lost Selves – Edmund Blunden’s connection to Ivor
Gurney; 9 (2003), 47-68
Ronald Blythe: The Great War – and the Little Magazines; 9 (2003), 69-76
Anthony Boden: Ivor Gurney: Schizophrenic?; 6 (2000), 23-8
Marion Scott and ‘Contemporary British War-poetry, Music and
Patriotism’; 2 (1996), 73-86
Gerald & Joy Finzi: Striving for Ivor Gurney; 15 (2009) 9-42
Society Notes; 5 (1999), 85-7
Society Notes; 6 (2000), 124-128
James Bridges: Georgians and War Poets; 9 (2003), 29-46
The Georgians and their England; 10 (2004), 49-68
Mark William Brown: Music and Lyrics by Ivor Gurney; 3 (1997), 25-36
Richard Carder: From the gloom of Snow to the clarity of The Trumpet:
Gurney’s settings of Edward Thomas Part II; 15 (2009), 81-98
Gurney’s Journeys to Graves; 10 (2004), 73-84
Ivor Gurney’s Essay on Joseph Haydn; 12 (2006), 129-135.
Song-cycles, Sets and Sappho; 5 (1999), 37-51
With the Penny Whistle on the Old Road. Gurney’s settings of
Edward Thomas Part I; 14 (2008), 93-104
Jeff Cooper: Ivor Gurney and the Abercrombies; 9 (2003), 7-12
Pamela Coren: Gurney’s Elizabethans; 9 (2003), 13-28
Gurney’s Solace: Shakespeare, Jonson and Byrd; 11 (2005), 7-24
Liane Curtis: Rebecca Clarke and the British Musical Renaissance; 7 (2001), 53-66
Roderic Dunnett: Ivor Gurney in Buckinghamshire; 14 (2008), 45-50
Obituary: Howard Ferguson (21 October 1908 – 1 November 1999);
6 (2000), 121-3
Patterns of Bright Green: Gurney the Musician; 1 (1995), 33-45
The Rightness of Gurney; 2 (1996), 29-60
Top Class Musicianship [a review article on the 2010 Three Choirs Festival]; 16 (2010), 101-107
Penny Ely: ‘A Combination of Don Quixote and D’Artagnon’: John
Haines on Gurney; 1 (1995), 59-68
Mark Facknitz: ‘Gone out is part of sanity’: Reading from Ivor Gurney’s
Shell Shock; 13 (2007), 175-192
John France: Ivor Gurney & ‘On Wenlock Edge’; 16 (2010), 31-38
Marion M. Scott’s compositions – an initial survey; 15 (2009), 59-66
April Frederick: The Craft of Beauty: An Interdisciplinary Model of
Criticism for the Songs; 13 (2007), 61-7
Theatre of the Imagination; 14 (2008), 71-92
Barbara Garlick: At the Marge: Re-reading Ivor Gurney; 2 (1996), 17-27
David Goodland: Gurney . . . In and out of the shadows . . ; 14 (2008), 31-43
Desmond Graham: ‘Out of the heart’s sickness’: Ivor Gurney as a Poet of
War; 7 (2001), 7-32
Ivor Gurney: On Earth [unpublished essay]; 15 (2009), 158-60
By Ashleworth [unpublished essay]; 15 (2009), 45-6
Fable. by Leo Count Tolstoi [unpublished tale]; 16 (2010), 58-60
Roman [unpublished poem]; 16 (2010), 61-64
Winifred Gurney: On Having a Genius in the Family; 11 (2005), 61-118
Rodney Hillman: Discoveries and Celebrations: Ivor Gurney as Great
War Poet; 2 (1996), 5-16
Wrestling with Proteus: Edmund Blunden’s ‘Undertones of War’;
6 (2000), 59-70
Richard Hughes: Ivor Gurney’s Western Front Songs; 7 (2001), 91-116
Michael Hurd: Gurney’s Unpublishable(?) Songs; 4 (1998), 7-18
John Jacobs: ‘That queer hankering afer extinction’: Sassoon and ‘A
Soldier’s Declaration’; 3 (1997), 43-56
Rolf Jordan: The first Gurney recording?; 14 (2008), 105-7
Kate Kennedy: ‘Asylum-made Lunatics’: Life in Dartford; 13 (2007), 131-146
‘But still he died nobly’: Gurney’s reinterpretation of the pastoral
elegy before and during the asylum years; 15 (2009), 117-154
‘Mother’ England; 14 (2008), 109-128
P. Joy King: A Tale of Heroic Courage: Some Tensions in the Concept of
Masculinity in Ivor Gurney’s Poetry; 1 (1995), 20-32
Philip Lancaster: Iliad and Banter: Seven unpublished letters of IBG; 15
(2009), 109-116
Danemen and Drum-taps; 12 (2006), 7-22
Gurney’s Duality: Well-Spring, Correlations and Conflicts; 13
(2007), 45-60
Ivor Gurney: Catalogue of Musical Works; 12 (2006), 23-114
On ‘On Earth’; 15 (2009), 155-7
The Sea’s Redemption: Gurney in Cornwall; 15 (2009), 99-108
War and Betrayal: Two Fables by Ivor Gurney; 16 (2010), 53-57
Reconstructing Gurney in the Archive & A Note on Accessing the Gurney Archive; 16 (2010), 108-118
Valerie Langfield: An Unpublished Letter from Ivor Gurney to Gervase
Elwes; 5 (1999), 7-10
Peter Longshaw: Severn & Somme: Songs and Sonnets; 1 (1995), 5-19
John Lucas: Edward Thomas, Ivor Gurney and English Socialism; 4 (1998), 19-34
Cathy Martin: ‘Nearer Walt Whitman’s perfect man’? Ivor Gurney’s
American Poems; 7 (2001), 67-80
Wilfrid Mellers: Requiescat for Ivor Gurney; 3 (1997), 7-24
Sally Minogue: Portrait of the Artist: Ivor Gurney as Modern Maker; 11
(2005), 25-42
‘That Awkward Squad’: Ivor Gurney and John Clare in the Line of
English Poetry; 13 (2007), 19-32
Charles W. Moore: How I found Ivor B. Gurney; 10 (2004), 7-12
Andrew Motion: Beaten Down Continually; 8 (2002), 17-23
Charles Mueller: Ivor Gurney and the Poetics of War: An Intensification of the Georgian Aesthetic; 13 (2007), 33-44
Chris O’Reilly: ‘to more moving called’: an existentialist appreciation of Ivor Gurney’s poetry; 14 (2008), 7-20
Peter Palmer: John Jeffreys: Composer of Poems, 9 (2003), 77-90
What Makes a Song-Cycle a Cycle?; 13 (2007), 73-84
Lynn Parker: ‘Freedom’ and ‘Confinement’: Two Archive Poems; 2 (1996), 87-90
‘Sorrow of Mydath’: Malcolm Davidson; 6 (2000), 83-88
‘The whole craft and business of bad occasion’: a study of ‘First Time In’ and its manuscripts; Transcriptions of ‘First Time In’; 5 (1999), 11-36
Geoffrey Peck: Michael John Hurd, 1928-2006: obituary; 12 (2006), 127-142
Julian Philips: Gurney as Lyricist: The making of ‘Dread of Starry
Majesties’; 1 (1995), 46-58
Michael Pilkington: Textual problems in the Songs of Ivor Gurney; 15
(2009), 67-80
Arnold Rattenbury: The Sanity of Ivor Gurney; 6 (2000), 5-22
Eleanor Rawling: Putting Gurney in His Place; a Geographical Perspective; 16 (2010), 7-30
Ben Scott & George Walter: ‘Glory crying for poetry’: Ivor Gurney’s
American Poems; 4 (1998), 59-79
Ben Scott: The Obverse of the Canonical: Ivor Gurney and the American
Civil War; 4 (1998), 43-58
Nora Sirbaugh: Reflections of Singing Ivor Gurney; 2 (1996), 61-9
David Kenneth Smith: Severn Meadows I: A Background of Influences; 6
(2000), 93-105
Severn Meadows II: The Actual Catalysts; 7 (2001), 81-90
Singing Gurney: A History of Recording and a Mandate for the
Future; 5 (1999), 53-60
R. K. R. Thornton: Diary of a Trip to Belgium; 16 (2010), 65-90
Iliad and Banter: Seven unpublished letters of IBG; 15 (2009), 109-116
Index for Volumes 1-15; 16 (2010), 147-160
A New Ivor Gurney Letter to Lascelles Abercrombie; 6 (2000), 89-92
What did they expect?; 13 (2007), 1-18
New Howells-Gurney Papers; 1 (1995), 69-76
Wilfrid Wilson Gibson; 14 (2008), 51-70
Richard Turbet: Byrd and Ivor Gurney; 14 (2008), 44
Ian Venables: The Ivor Gurney Trust; 16 (2010), 119-133
The Music of Poetry; 8 (2002), 7-16
The ‘Unpublished Songs’ of Ivor Gurney: A Composer’s Reappraisal; 13 (2007), 113-130
‘To make musical history for England and out of Gloster stuff’ – The orchestral music of Ivor Gurney; 16 (2010), 91-100
George Walter: A Local Response to Severn & Somme; 3 (1997), 75-8
and Scott Ben: ‘Glory crying for poetry’: Ivor Gurney’s American
Poems; 4 (1998), 59-79
Editing Ivor Gurney’s Poetry; 6 (2000), 71-82
‘My True Work Now’: an Unpublished Ivor Gurney Letter; 3
(1997), 57-74
David Wojahn: ‘If You Have to be Sure Don’t Write’: Poetry and Self-
Doubt; 8 (2002), 25-44

III. Book Reviews
(alphabetically by editor or author with reviewer in parenthesis)

Kenneth Baker, ed., The Faber Book of War Poetry (Alyson
Pendlebury); 5 (1999), 81-4.
Stephen Banfield, Gerald Finzi: An English Composer (Roderic
Dunnett); 4 (1998), 89-90.
Peter Barham, Forgotten Lunatics of the Great War (Hilary Thornton);
10 (2004), 101-4.
Alan Bishop and Mark Bostridge, eds, Letters from a Lost Generation.
First World War Letters of Vera Brittain and Four Friends
Childs); 5 (1999), 77-8.
Anthony Boden, Stars in a Dark Night (R. K. R. Thornton); 10 (2004), 104.
The Parrys of the Golden Vale: Background to Genius
(Michael Allis); 5 (1999), 75-6.
Anne and William Charlton, Putting Poetry First: A Life of Robert
(Lynn Parker); 9 (2003), 112-4.
Michael Copp, ed., Cambridge Poets of the Great War (James Bridges);
8 (2002), 78-9.
Santanu Das, Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature (Sally
Minogue), 12 (2006), 158-60.
Gwylim Davies and Roy Palmer, Let us be Merry: Traditional
Christmas Songs and Carols from Gloucestershire
(Paul Burgess); 4
(1998), 91-2.
Robert Edric, In Zodiac Light (Kate Kennedy); 14 (2008), 137-140.
Richard Emeny, ed, Edward Thomas on the Georgians (Lynn Parker);
10 (2004), 97-8.
Phillip W. Errington, Sea Fever: Selected Poems of John Masefield
(James Bridges); 11 (2005), 136-7.
Martin Marix Evans, Passchendaele and the Battles of Ypres, 1914-18,
and ‘Retreat, Hell! We Just Got Here’: The American Expeditionary
Force in France, 1917-18
(Lynn Parker); 8 (2002), 91-2.
Howard Ferguson and Michael Hurd, eds., The Letters of Gerald Finzi
and Howard Ferguson
(Trevor Hold); 7 (2001), 121-4.
David Goodland Reads the poetry of Ivor Gurney (James Methven); 7
(2001), 124-6.
Keith Hale, ed, Friends and Apostles: The Correspondence of Rupert Brooke
and James Strachey 1905-14
(George Walter); 6 (2000), 106-10.
Linda Hart, Once They Lived in Gloucestershire: a Dymock Poets
(Keith Clark); 3 (1997), 90-2.
Hugh Haughton, ed., Second World War Poems (Lynn Parker); 11
(2005), 127-8.
Dominic Hibberd, ed., Strange Meetings: Poems by Harold Monro
(James Bridges); 10 (2004), 99-100.
Harold Monro and Wilfrid Gibson, the pioneers (Sally Minogue);
13 (2007), 195-200.
Harold Monro: Poet of the New Age (Patrick Quinn); 7 (2001), 118-121.
Wilfred Owen: A New Biography (R. K. R. Thornton); 8 (2002), 72-6.
Trevor Hold, Parry to Finzi: Twenty English song Composers (Andrew
Plant); 9 (2003), 117-8.
Imperial War Museum Review, 1, 2, and 3 (George Parfitt); 1 (1995), 85-87.
Trevor Johnson, ed, Edward Thomas on Thomas Hardy (Richard
Emeny); 8 (2002), 71-2.
Nigel Jones, Rupert Brooke: Death, Life, and Myth, (George Walter); 6
(2000), 106-10.
P. J. Kavanagh, ed., Ivor Gurney: Collected Poems (Robert J. Yates); 10
(2004), 122-5.
Judy Kendall, ed., Edward Thomas’s Poets (R. K. R. Thornton); 14
(2008), 134-7.
Tim Kendall, Modern English War Poetry (James Bridges); 12 (2006), 155-7.
ed, Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry (James
Bridges); 13 (2007), 200-202.
Morine Krissdottir, ed., Petrushka and the Dancer: The Diaries of John
Cowper Powys, 1929-39
(Peter J. Foss); 2 (1996), 99-101.
Valerie Langfield, Roger Quilter: His Life and Music (Roger Buckley);
8 (2002), 79-81.
Philip Larkin, ed., The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century Verse (Alyson
Pendlebury); 5 (1999), 81-4.
John Lucas, Ivor Gurney: Writers and their Work (Desmond Graham);
7 (2001), 117-8.
The Radical Twenties (Alistair Davies); 4 (1998), 92-4.
Diana McVeagh, Gerald Finzi: His Life and Music (Lynn Parker); 11
(2005), 132-5.
Andrew Motion, The Price of Everything, (Peter Mitchell); 1 (1995), 81-83.
Paul O’Prey, ed., Robert Graves: Collected Writings on Poetry (R. K. R.
Thornton); 3 (1997), 92-4.
Rennie Parker and Margi Blunden, The Deceitful Calm: A New Selection of
Poems by Edmund Blunden
(James Bridges); 13 (2007), 202-3.
Jennifer Partridge, ed., Preludes & Nocturnes (Richard Carder); 10 (2004), 95-7.
Michael Pilkington, English solo Song: Guides to the Repertoire, vol. 2
(Richard Carder); 9 (2003), 114-6.
John Press, Charles Hamilton Sorley (Sally Minogue); 13 (2007), 195-200.
Patrick Quinn, ed., Robert Graves: The Centenary Selected Poems
(R. K. R. Thornton); 3 (1997), 92-4.
David Roberts, ed., Minds at War: The Poetry and Experience of the
First World War
(James Methven); 6 (2000), 110-2.
Out in the Dark: Poetry of the First World War in Context (James
Methven); 6 (2000), 110-2.
Eric Robinson, David Powell and P. M. S. Dawson, eds., John Clare:
Cottage Tales,
(Paul Nash); 1 (1995), 83-85.
Christopher Saunders, ed. Edward Thomas, the Complete War Poems, and Michael Copp, Edgell Rickwood (James Bridges); 14 (2008), 134.
Edward Thomas and the Great War (Sally Minogue); 13 (2007),
Michael Schmidt, ed, The Harvill Book of Twentieth Century Poetry in
(Peter Childs); 6 (2000), 119-20.
Ben Shepard, A War of Nerves (Hilary Gates); 7 (2001), 126-9.
Paul Spicer, Herbert Howells (Michael Hurd); 5 (1999), 73-4.
John Stallworthy, Anthem for Doomed Youth: Imperial War Museum
Exhibition and book
(Roderic Dunnett); 10 (2004), 105-117.
Sean Street, The Dymock Poets (R. K. R. Thornton); 2 (1996), 96-8.
Trudi Tate, ed., Modernism, History and the First World War (Allyson
Booth); 5 (1999), 79-80.
Women, Men and the Great War: an Anthology of Stories
(Allyson Booth); 5 (1999), 79-80.
Edward Thomas, In Pursuit of Spring (Martin Delvaux); 9 (2003), 111-2.
R. K. R. Thornton and George Walter, eds., Best Poems and the Book of
Five Makings
(Kenneth Baker); 2 (1996), 93-6.
Ivor Gurney: 80 Poems or So (Lynn Parker); 4 (1998), 94-5.
Towards a Bibliography (P. Joy King); 3 (1997), 86-8.
George Walter, ed., Ivor Gurney: Selected Poems (Stuart Laing); 3
(1997), 88-90.
Merryn Williams, T. P. Cameron Wilson (Sally Minogue); 13 (2007), 195-200.

IV. CD & Concert Reviews
(alphabetically by title, reviewer in parenthesis)

A. E. Housman: A Shropshire Lad, Alan Bates, Anthony Rolfe-Johnson,
Graham Johnson (Michael Hurd); 2 (1996), 93.
Arthur Benjamin, orchestral music (Richard Carder); 14 (2008), 132-3.
Berkeley and Benjamin Piano Music (Graham J. Lloyd); 16 (2010), 142-144
Capel Bond: Six Concertos in Seven Parts, Parley of Instruments Orchestra, conducted by Roy Goodman (Michael Hurd); 2 (1996), 92-3.
The Curlew Andrew Kennedy (Richard Carder); 14 (2008), 129-31.
Enchanting Harmonist – a Soirée with the Linleys of Bath, Julia Gooding, Anna María Rincón, Charles Daniels, Rufus Muller, Christopher Purves, Florian Deuter, Mark Caudle, Frances Kelly, dir. by Timothy Roberts (Michael Hurd); 2 (1996), 91.
Elgar’s Pageant of Empire, Gurney’s Lights Out, Hurd’s Shore Leave, Roderick Williams (Michael Pilkington); 16 (2010), 140-142
English Heartland Songs (Raymond Warren); 15 (2009), 167-8.
English Music for Viola, Paul Coletti & Leslie Howard (Michael Hurd);
1 (1995), 78.
English Oboe Concertos, Jill Crowther, English Northern Philharmonia
(Anthony Boden); 7 (2001), 131-2.
English Orchestral Songs: Parry, Stanford, Gurney and Finzi, Christopher Maltman and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (Roderic Dunnett); 6 (2000), 112-7.
English Piano Music (Anthony Boden), Alan Gravill; 16 (2010), 145-146.
English Piano Works: William Sterndale Bennett, William Thomas Best, C.
Hubert Parry
; Simon Callaghan (piano) (Graham Lloyd); 15 (2009), 161.
The English Song Series 1: Vaughan Williams, Anthony Rolfe Johnson,
Simon Keenlyside, Graham Johnson and The Duke Quartet
(Michael Hurd); 3 (1997), 85-6.
English Women Composers: In Praise of Women, Anthony Rolf Johnson
& Graham Johnson (Michael Hurd); 1 (1995), 79.
Forest and Vale and High Blue Hill, Johnny Coppin (‘Martin
Hussingtree’); 1 (1995), 80-81.
Forest and Vale and High Blue Hill, selected Johnny Coppin (‘Martin
Hussingtree’); 1 (1995), 80-81.
The Great War – Remembered in Songs and Poems, Ivor Gurney, John
Ireland, Geraint Lewis
(Philip Lancaster); 11 (2005), 129-31.
The Great War Remembered in Songs and Poems, Jeremy Huw Williams
and Nigel Foster (Raymond Warren); 12 (2006), 143-5.
Herbert Howells: Music for violin and piano, Paul Barritt, Catherine
Edwards (Michael Hurd); 2 (1996), 92.
Howells: Lambert’s Clavichord, John McCabe (Michael Hurd); 1 (1995), 77.
Ian Venables: On Wings of Love (Philip Lancaster); 16 (2010), 138-40.
Ivor Gurney Songs. Susan Bickley, Iain Burnside (Kate Kennedy); 15
(2009), 163-4.
Ivor Gurney Songs. Susan Bickley, Iain Burnside (Michael Pilkington);
15 (2009), 162-3.
Ivor Gurney: Seven Sappho Songs, ed. Richard Carder (Clare Griffel);
12 (2006), 147-50.
John Jeffreys, Idylls & Elegies (Colin Scott-Sutherland); 16 (2010), 134-137
Lights Out: Songs by Ivor Gurney, E. J. Moeran, Sulyen Caradon
(Geoffrey Self); 10 (2004), 93-4.
Long Remembered Hills, directed by Nick Godwin (Peter Palmer); 8
(2002), 77.
Love’s Voice, Songs by Gurney, Ireland, Finzi and Venables sung by
Nathan Vale (Michael Pilkington); 13 (2007), 193-5.
On this Island, Lynn Dawson and Malcolm Martineau (Anthony
Boden); 7 (2001), 129-30.
On Wenlock Edge, Andrew Kennedy (Roderic Dunnett); 14 (2008), 141-4.
On Wenlock Edge, James Gilchrist (Richard Carder); 14 (2008), 129-31.
Pershore Abbey concert (Roderic Dunnett); 10 (2004), 118-121.
Piano Music by Ivor Gurney and Howard Ferguson, Mark Bebbington
(Andrew Plant); 11 (2005), 135-6.
Rutland Boughton: Flute concerto, Works for String Orchestra, Emily
Beynon and New London Orchestra (Roderic Dunnett); 6 (2000), 117-9.
Severn & Somme: Songs by Gurney, Howells, Sanders, Wilson, Venables,
Roderick Williams and Susie Allan (Richard Carder); 12 (2006), 152-5.
‘Shropshire Lads’: Songs to the Poems of A. E. Housman, Stephen Foulkes
and David Bednall (Brian Blyth Daubney); 12 (2006), 145-7.
Severn Meadows: Songs by Ivor Gurney, Paul Agnew and Julius Drake
(Anthony Boden); 7 (2001), 130-1.
Songs by Peter Warlock, John Mark Ainsley & Roger Vignoles
(Michael Hurd); 1 (1995), p.77.
Songs Discovered, Judith Buckle, Peter Bailey (Brian Blyth Daubney);
15 (2009), 164-6.
The Spirit of England: Elgar, Kelly, Gurney, Parry, Elkington (Richard
Carder); 12 (2006), 150-2.
Songs on Lonely Roads; The Story of Ivor Gurney, Johnny Coppin and
David Goodland (‘Martin Hussingtree’); 1 (1995), 80-1.
Stanford: Songs, Stephen Varcoe and Clifford Benson; Violin concerto,
Anthony Marwood and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra;
Nonet (Roderic Dunnett); 8 (2002), 82-90.
The Tend’rest Breast: Women’s Poetry setting by Roger Quilter, Frank
Bridge, Ivor Gurney, Lennox Berkeley, John Ireland et al
Lancaster); 11 (2005), 129-31.
Thomas Linley, Jnr.: A Lyric Ode on the Fairies, Ariel Beings and Witches
of Shakespeare
, Lorna Anderson, Julia Gooding, Richard Wistreich,
Parley of Instruments Baroque Orchestra and choir conducted by
Paul Nicholson (Michael Hurd); 2 (1996), 91.
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Rebecca Evans et al (Michael
Hurd); 1 (1995), p.78.

V. Poems

Jean Cochrane: Night Walker; 2 (1996), 28
Wendy French: Two Poems: ‘Barnwood House, Gloucester’, ‘Obsession’; 10 (2004), 31-2
John Jeffreys: Ivor Gurney iv; 10 (2004), 126
Trevor Hold: Four Poems; 10 (2004), 69-72

VI. Illustrations

Cover illustrations:
Vol. 1 (1995) Nicholas Parry
Vols. 5 and 6 (1999-2000) Harold Thornton
Vols 2-4(1996-8) and 7-15 (2001-9) R. K. R. Thornton
Title page soldier, all volumes, Claude Lovat Fraser

Original artwork:
Anonymous Farmyard, woodcut; 2 (1996), 72
Stephen J. Brilus John Jeffreys; 9 (2003), 90
David Cox Trees; 5 (1999), 7
Claud Lovat Fraser   Marching Soldiers; 1 (1995), p.32
Landscape: 1 (1995), p.79
Nicholas Parry Windy Day; 1 (1995), p.19
Landscape; 1 (1995), p.45
Landscape with tree; 1 (1995), p.58
Landscape; 1 (1995), p.68
Ploughing; 1 (1995), p.76
Harold Thornton Tree; 3 (1997), 56
Bundle of sticks; 2 (1996), 69
Woodland glade; 2 (1996), 75
R. K. R. Thornton Landscape in Lovat Fraser’s style, 3 (1997), 56
George Walter; 6 (2000), 82
Landscape; 4 (1998), 42
Ian Venables; 14 (2008), 108
Richard Carder; 5 (1999), 52
P. J. Kavanagh; 9 (2003), 100
Tree; 4 (1998), 18
Trees; 5 (1999), 72
Trees; 8 (2002), 24
Woodland Path; 4 (1998), 88

‘The John’: a painting of one of Henry’s many ships, 11 (2005), 50
Bayonet practice 1915, 13 (2007), 112
Don Brandon Ray 1926-2005, 11 (2005), 56
Ernest Butcher and Muriel George, 14 (2008), 107
Ethel Lilian Voynich in 1899, 10 (2004), 17
Gertrude Eaton, 12 (2006), p.118
Gurnard’s Head, 15, [6]
Gurney in a company photograph with the 2/5 Gloucesters, 13 (2007), 72
Henry Prince’s West India store, 11 (2005), 48
How Salem looked when Marion’s ancestors first settled there, 11 (2005), 43
Joy Finzi at Chosen Hay, 15 (2009), 40
Katharine Eggar, 12 (2006), p.119
Liza Lehmann, 12 (2006), p.120
Marion Scott, 12 (2006), p.116
Michael Hurd, 12 (2006), p.126
Mildred Aldrich’s ‘Cottage’, 8 (2002),
Soldiers’ silhouettes, 8 (2002), 92
T. Ratcliffe Barnett in 1913, 4 (1998), 37
The Boole Sisters, 10 (2004), 23
The Crystal Palace as Marion Scott would have known it, 14 (2008), p.22
The Home of Henry Prince, 11 (2005), 48
The village begins to prosper, 11 (2005), 45
Where Marion and her mother walked to get to the Crystal Palace, 14
(2008), 24
Winifred Gurney as a Voluntary Nurse in Gloucester during the 1914-18 War, 11 (2005), 60
Winifred, Ronald and Dorothy with their bicycles, 11 (2005), 60

VII. Bibliography updates

There were Bibliography updates in volumes

    2 (1996), 70-72,
    3 (1997), 79-84,
    4 (1998), 81-88,
    5 (1999), 61-72,
    8 (2002), 59-70,
    9 (2003), 101-110,
    10 (2004), 85-92,
    11 (2005), 119-126.

They were compiled editorially from contributions from Pamela Blevins, Anthony Boden, Richard Carder, Craig Clunas, Jonathan Ford, Essaka Joshua, Philip Lancaster, Sandra O’Leary, Karl O’Neill, Peter Palmer, Lynn Parker, David Kenneth Smith, R. K. R. Thornton and George Walter.